Agatized Gastropods




CATEGORY: Travel and Prospecting

 Traveling to remote places for prospecting purposes can often be disappointing, certainly when not having prior knowledge of the location. Searching for agatized gastropods on unknown locations was certainly not easy, as they lay on or just below the surface scattered around between millions of other stones and minerals.

Morocco and in particular the Western Sahara, has endless rough-edged cliffs eroding down the Atlantic Ocean and somewhere along those cliffs is the home to these beautifully and well-formed agatized gastropods that can be seen on the pictures above.

After several days of walking, I spotted the first agatized bivalvia, which provided me enough energy to continue walking for two more weeks over this dry and bare landscape in search for some gastropods. All the effort was eventually rewarded with these beautiful samples. There are some to be found, but few and far in between when you are looking for some quality.